Creativity: Weaving Your Stories Together

Creativity: Weaving Your Stories Together

Contempt relentlessly erodes relationships. Compassion and curiosity provide a posture that undermines contempt. And courage is needed to maintain this posture, both toward ourselves, and others. 

And this is where things get exciting: With compassion, curiosity, and courage in place, a new horizon opens up before us!  No longer are we relegated to spaces of repair, trying to put out the relational fires. Instead, we get to come together to participate in and interweave our stories mutually and creatively. 

Creativity requires three fundamental things:

  1. Knowledge - Of self and others
  2. Flexibility - Letting go of expectations while honoring our desire
  3. Wonder - Acknowledging the beautiful harmonies of your new story


Knowledge of self and others is a prerequisite to the interweaving that is possible in creative engagement. We must know our hopes, dreams, and desires and to bring them to bear in a significant way. The vulnerable offering of this self-knowledge is the vital first step in inviting someone into our story through the sincere offering of our most authentic self. Likewise, we must have some understanding of our partner's (or friend's) inner world, as they vulnerably offer themselves in an effort to integrate their life-story with ours.


Flexibility is a beautiful movement resulting from the creative interweaving of two stories. An open-handed posture is essential as we invite each other to be fully present in the co-authoring of our new narrative. There is indeed a beautiful freedom inherent in the tension of letting go of expectation while remaining true to desire. Can I be openhanded in finding avenues to meet my desires in ways that I have not yet considered? The dynamic of two stories coming together results in a synergistic combination, a new song singing forth in harmonies yet undiscovered.


Wonder, or awe, is the response invited by creativity. It is not so much about what has been, or what is, but what could be. It is the humble acknowledgment of the holy ground that is intimate relationship. As knowledge of ourselves and others is cultivated and our hopes and dreams are interwoven, undiscovered pathways to new horizons emerge before us.

Deeper Life and Connection in the Deeper Story

As we creatively engage our fellow travelers with courage, compassion, and curiosity, an authentic connection marked by mutuality, reciprocity, respect, and dignity, will grow and develop. In this space, we will have the opportunity to cultivate a new story, one written with an eye to the needs and desires of both parties. We can pursue living with an orientation to developing meaning, pursuing the dreams of our shared wonder, cultivating purpose, and enjoying the abundance of the deeper life.

What is holding you back from the deeper life? What are the things in your story that are keeping you from engaging with yourself and others with compassion, curiosity, courage, and creativity? Unpack your story and engage in the deeper life today.